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Users Manual for Piston Pressure Gauge Model YS-660250600


Piston pressure gauge grade 0.05 (pressure gauge herein after) is used to inspect piston pressure gauge grade 0.2 and precision pressure gauge.


Operational Principle and Basic Structure

Operational principle of this pressure gauge is that pressure exerted on the piston surface by the weight of the piston itself and that of specific weight will be balance with the pressure produced in hydraulic container.

The pressure gauge is composed by two parts: testing pump and gauge system. Details please see the picture.

Testing pump includes hand pump (11)oil cup (9) and two valves (6) and (7). There are two nuts installed at valve (6) and (7), which are used to connect precision gauge under test. Main part of the gauge system is a precisely finished piston with precision cross-section. This piston directly load the weight of the weights on the chassis.


Technical Data

                                                                       Table 1


Basic Errors

When pressure is below the lower limit of test range

When pressure is within the test range


±0.05% of lower limit of test range

±0.05% of the real pressure value

Buoyancy force of bearing bar (include piston head) of YS-250600 piston gauge immerging in the working fluid is 5.9g.


YS-6 piston pressure gauge:

Error H between the bottom of the piston and central liquid column of the gauge under test, when outer diameter of the gauge is Ø 150mm, H=109mm; when outer diameter of the gauge is Ø 250mm, H=169mm; modified formula is P=Hγ, P is hydrostatic column pressure difference and γ is the specific gravity of the transformer oil , γ=0.88g/cm2 .





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